Helping to make the Port a better place to live, work and visit.
We are an organisation made up of local residents, coming together to form the Port Bannatyne Development Trust.
Through ongoing projects and community-led activities, PBDT works to restore amenities and help this much-loved neighbourhood flourish.
Since early 2021 we have enjoyed the support of two key organisations Development Trusts Association Scotland and the Scottish Land Fund.
Our first project - the purchase and refurbishment of the community owned Anchor Tavern & Hub is complete, and we now have a thriving business that employs people from the village and local area.
The Anchor Tavern (33 Marine Road PA20 0LL) is open every day and is a friendly place that now offers a range of craft and cask ales and beers, wide selection of malts and local gins and plenty of non-alcoholic grown-up drinks. We also have live music on Tuesdays and Thursdays and often at weekends. See our Facebook page for updates @AnchorTavernandhub.
We happily accept well behaved dogs and provide water and treats and even a dog visitor book!
The community hub next door can be used to host non-commercial meetings for free and with our recent purchase of No 35 Marine Road we hope to provide larger, better facilities once repairs are completed.
We are also delighted that Fyne Futures is supporting us in the development of a community garden at the rear of The Anchor.
Call the Anchor Tavern on 01700 505617 for more details.

About the Trust
The Port Bannatyne Development Trust was created in December 2020 and the Steering Committee was formed on 16th January 2021.
A development trust is a community-owned and led organisation, working to combine community-led action with an enterprising approach to address and tackle local needs and issues. The aim of a development trust is to create social, economic and environmental renewal in a defined geographical area, creating wealth within that area and keeping it there.
The PBDT committee is made up of a cross section of the village with long term residents and newcomers all taking an active role and using their skills and knowledge to further the development of the Community Hub.

The PBDT Management Committee April 2022.
Left to right: Carissa Neill, Ann Bryan, Jenny O’Hagan, Sandra Hunter, Peter Niven, Garry Charnock, Jon Sear, Shaun Lyon
Scottish Land Fund Application
The Scottish Land Fund (Backed by the National Lottery Fund) has been extremely supportive and provided £150,000 to help us purchase and refurbish The Anchor Tavern & Hub, which opened in April 2022. We have also had tremendous support from The Plunket Foundation and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
We’re lucky as the Port is one of only six villages across Scotland which the Scottish Land Fund have supported in this way. We believe that we are the first community owned pub and a Scottish island.
We have also raised £105,000 through a community share offer and now have 270 paid up members. Community Shares Scotland and The Development Trusts Association Scotland supported this share offer process and we also had the backing of the Cooperative Society and Community Shares Scotland.
We also ran a crowdfunder that helped us to raise the extra cash needed for additional bar refurbishments. Argyll & Bute Council has also provided a grant to help us repaint the front of the pub & hub.
We are encouraging local people to take on roles in the Port Bannatyne Development Trust Management Committee and we will hold an AGM later this year which will enable members to vote on their preferred committee members for 2022/23.
There will be lots of different roles both practical and administrative, some requiring specific skills and others not. Please contact admin@pbdt.org if you are interested in helping.
Keep up to date with all that is happening at the Port Bannatyne Development Trust on Facebook or our Press Releases page.
The results of our previous community survey are available below.
Contact us via email:
Find us on Facebook:
Port Bannatyne Development Trust
Follow us on Twitter: @PortTrust
Telephone: 01700 505617
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